1. Getting Started:
Before you are able to compete in electric fencing tournaments, you will first need a membership for the sanctioning body hosting the tournament. Most of the time, fencing tournaments are sanctions by the United States Fencing Association but there are some tournaments that are also sanctioned by another governing body, the Amateur Athletic Union. Listed below are the links to sign up for a membership of the previously mention sanctioning bodies. You are not required to have both memberships to fence in every tournament, just the membership for the sanctioning body hosting the tournament.
Amateur Athletic Union (AAU):
United States Fencing Association (USA Fencing):
2. Finding Gear:
For fencing gear, I would recommend getting an electric epee set. This set is essentially tournament ready by the time you receive it, so there would be no need to hunt around for additional items.
Deluxe Deluxe 10-Piece Electric Epee Set:
3. Where to find tournaments:
Once you have the gear and the proper fencing memberships, you can now begin to look for fencing tournament all over the United States! Here as the sites that you can use to look for tournaments:
Ask Fred:
For Ask Fred, we are in the Central Florida Division. There are a total of 3 divisions that make up the State of Florida. Gate Way Florida (Northern Florida), Central Florida, and Gold Coast Florida (Southern Florida)
USA Fencing:
For the USA Fencing Website, when it comes to regional tournaments, the State of Florida is in Region 6. Below is a map of all of the “Regions” in the United States:

You can fence in any of the the regions, but you will not get points for region 6 if you fence in other regions. For example, if you fence in Region 5 you will not get points for Region 6. Earning points is good for the fencer as they will help determine rankings in National events.
4. Age groups:
This is the age chart that the fencer will use to determine which events they are eligible to compete in:
Division I | DV1 | Born 2011 or earlier | A, B or C |
Division I-A | DV1A | Born 2011 or earlier | N/A |
Division II | DV2 | Born 2011 or earlier | C, D, E or U |
Division III | DV3 | Born 2011 or earlier | D, E or U |
Parafencing | PARA | Born 2011 or earlier | N/A |
Senior Team | STM | Born 2011 or earlier | N/A |
Adult | ADLT | Born 1985–2003 | N/A |
Adult Combined | ADLTC | Born 2003 or earlier | N/A |
Veteran/Veteran Team | VET/VTM | Born 1985 or earlier | N/A |
Veteran 40-49 | V40 | Born 1976-1985 | N/A |
Veteran 50-59 | V50 | Born 1966-1975 | N/A |
Veteran 60-69 | V60 | Born 1956-1965 | N/A |
Veteran 70 & Older | V70 | Born 1955 or earlier | N/A |
Veteran 80 & Older | V80 | Born 1945 or earlier | N/A |
Junior | JNR | Born 2006-2012 | N/A |
Cadet | CDT | Born 2009-2012 | N/A |
Youth 14/Youth 14 Team | Y14/Y14TM | Born 2010-2013 | N/A |
Youth 12 | Y12 | Born 2012-2015 | N/A |
Youth 10 | Y10 | Born 2014-2017 | N/A |
Youth 8 | Y8 | Born 2016–2018 | N/A |